
Digital Fabrication and Prototyping Fundementals

Welcome to EP1000

Digital Fabrication and Prototyping Fundementals

About This Website

This website is to document my journey in the elective EP1000(Digital Fabrication and Prototyping Fundementals)

It also shows and documents my learning progress and what skills i have picked up. All these skills will all be culminated and utilised in a Final Project that will be completed at the end of this elective.

About EP1000

This elective allows students to pick up a myriad of Soft Skills and Techniques in Digital Fabrication / Prototyping including but not limited to:

  1. 3D Printing
  2. Lazer Cutting
  3. Microcontroller Programming (C++)
  4. Basic HTML and CSS for Website Development
  5. Microcontroller Wiring
  6. Photomanipulation(GIMP Editor)